It's my joy to create warm, cinematic images that feel like home.
I’ve recently acquired a kitten. She’s a sweet addition to my teeny family, but having a kitten and a puppy is a lot of work. I’m in the process of packing to move (moving next weekend!), I have been super busy at work, and I have lots of photos to edit. Things are pretty busy right now and when things get busy it’s really easy to get stressed out and overwhelmed. When I start to feel the water rising, I take out my camera or a good book and spend some time with myself, reminding myself why I do what I do and that if I’m consistent and patient, my hard work will pay off. Here are some recent photos of my new kitty Mittens and my sweet prince of a pup Tyrion, along with some musings of my current dwelling place that I’ll be leaving so soon. New, exciting things ahead! I’m looking forward to decorating and photographing my new home.
Fresh flowers in the house make me oh so happy
I don’t know everything, but if you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, take some time to yourself and let yourself breathe. You’re worth it, love yourself.